It is made of modified rectangle Menger Sponge, few folds and other additions. I made this after an artistic suggestion. + One new formula, fractal house generator - domofractal. zXaNadD1BDSpNw2Cy1.CHeSVydXWfjaBgH75kjjun3ZzguQ2kVzEyu6MBJUBsDFfjvzl3q I alsou included in formula readmy article about mathematics of most of the transformations used and the Lp spaces. FLD mandelbrot set versions and one FLD.Ħ formulas - updated and improved, including techna transform completely remade so that it now actualy works and not destroys DE, and chudobox now is less boring.Ĭhudobox, Domofractal, FLD_Boxbulb - added internal conditionals to speed up calculation with the default values To handle them all is marked with "Formula version 1.1" in commentary.Įverything is in the single zip file including explanation of all the values of building generator. UPDATE of all other formulas: improved math - faster generation, correction of found errors say of spherefold, expansion of FLD's variable Addition into Julia like multi value addition. Updated formulas with another one package with 9 new formulas and one small update.

There are some question about programming too.

Throught 1 iteration of nothing interferes with fractal and DE. Becouse if you want to take something off the hybrid. Hi I just made some JIT formulas for Mandelbulb3D.